Vegan desserts with Soul!

When Laiquan's son was 9, now 22, he asked his mom to create a cookbook for him with all her recipes. At first, she didn't take him seriously but when he asked the second time, she started the cookbook. Both of her sons, love to help in the kitchen. Once How Delish HD started baking desserts for customers, it was natural for them to get involved. Laiquan is gifted in the kitchen with both savory foods and sweets. Family and friends looked forward to the Harvey-Davis family hosting events for their food and desserts. Once Laiquan decided to adopt a dairy free diet, desserts were difficult to find. The lack of delicious dairy free desserts inspired Laiquan to modify dessert recipes for her new diet. Not too long after mastering some dairy free desserts, she decided to take it a step further baking vegan and gluten free desserts. A local restaurant decided to add Laiquan's desserts to their menu which inspired her to create How Delish HD. The How Delish HD baking team includes the best bakers ever, her sons.
"We strive to provide customers, both vegan and non-vegan, with a dessert experience that surpasses any they've had with other desserts."
-Founder, Laiquan Harvey-Davis